8 Ways to Make December More Meaningful for You and Your Family

It’s December already and Christmas is just around the corner!
This is the busiest time of year where people shop for gifts, plan for special meals, decorate the house, and make itineraries for holiday vacations.
And these are the reasons why December is known to be the most wonderful time of the year. On top of it all, getting the chance to celebrate it with your family lets you create new lovely and unforgettable memories.
If you’re looking for ways to make December more meaningful for you and your family, here’s a list of what you can do:
Don’t let Christmas traditions fade away
Do you feel like the spirit of Christmas as you knew it when you were young is slowly fading away? There are a bunch of things that have changed as years pass by. And being an adult with tons of responsibilities, sometimes you don’t have the time to do those Christmas traditions anymore.
Don’t let this happen to you and your family. Because, just like other special occasions, Christmas only happens once a year, and it’s all about giving, appreciating, and being with your loved ones. Especially for kids, never let them forget the genuine spirit of Christmas.
Christmas traditions don’t need to be complicated. Simplicity is always the key in celebrations and life in general. Here are some traditions for you to remember:
- Making family gingerbread house together
- Baking Christmas cookies and giving them to neighbors
- Decorating the house and Christmas tree together
- Making DIY Christmas decorations or Christmas cards
- Christmas caroling in your neighborhood
- Watching classic Christmas movies (like Home Alone or The Grinch) while eating Gingerbread cookies, and drinking hot cocoa or coffee
- Walking around the neighborhood to enjoy their Christmas lights and outdoor decors
- Matching pajamas and picture taking (don’t forget to print some photos so you can add them to your “Christmas Through the Years” photo album)
- Sleeping altogether (if you want a fun twist, you can sleep altogether in the living room, near the Christmas tree)
Remember not to be pressured trying to make things perfect
Since December is a very special month, most people aim for perfection. However, this can also lead to stress and pressure.
Making Christmas memorable and fun for everybody is much better than achieving perfection. Because Christmas doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be warm and joyful.
Stop comparing what you see on social media. Like how they decorate their Christmas tree, how their gifts look expensive, or how they perfectly wrap their presents. Instead, focus on things that can make you and your family happy and well this Christmas.
Keep in mind that it’s always the thought that counts
“The best gifts come from the heart and are given from our hands.”
Sad to say, some people exceed their budget, while others run into debts because of buying costly gifts.
Presents don’t always need to be expensive. You can make someone smile on Christmas, even through simple gifts. Sometimes, they will appreciate it more when you give them DIY homemade gifts. That way, they know you really made an effort for them, without breaking your bank. Lovely and practical at the same time.
Lessen screen time
When doing holiday preparations; like cooking meals, wrapping gifts, decorating the house, or watching movies, everybody should stop using their smartphones or gadgets for a while, unless it’s really important.
Smartphones are part of your daily routine. You use it for work, business, study, or entertainment. But Christmas is not just your usual routine. So make sure you make the most out of it by focusing on the moment you spend with your family.
Make meals delicious and healthy
Cooking delicious foods is one thing, but making it healthy is quite another because you might think that requires more effort and time. But it’s all worth it because you get to eat delicious foods without worrying too much about tummy issues or burning carbs the next day.
There are healthy eating tips for the coming holidays, which will help you plan and think of healthy ingredients to add to your menus.
Go on a Christmas vacation
One of the best ways to make December more meaningful is a Christmas getaway with your loved ones. After the busy holiday preps, you deserve to take a rest and have an enjoyable vacation just for you and your family.
A carefully planned itinerary is your secret weapon to make your Christmas vacation a fantastic one. Make sure that you already finished your deadlines or important errands before taking on a vacation so you can have all the time in the world to enjoy.
Celebrate the 12 days of Christmas
Who says Christmas is just for a day? You can extend the celebration for twelve days until January 5th. This way, you can have a lot of time to fulfill the things you still want to do on Christmas and New Year. After all, it’s difficult to celebrate all the fun in just one day.
To make this more unforgettable, list down your activities from December 25 to January 5. Think of ways on how you can celebrate each day differently. Don’t forget to visit your relatives, too. You can even make a surprise visit, and bring presents or foods for them.
Embrace and express gratitude
This Christmas, gratitude can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, and a stranger into a friend. And you can make all that happen.
Before eating, start with a thankful prayer first. And since things are slowly getting back to normal, you can go to church with you and your family. Gratitude has incredible benefits to health and sharing it with your family will bring the true essence of Christmas. Remember that it’s a season of joy, peace, and great tidings.
Send donations of foods, winter clothes, random presents, and Christmas cards to those in need. This season is all about the spirit of giving, without a thought of getting.
Christmas is not just an event, but rather a piece of one’s home that each family member carries in their hearts. Have a wonderful December with you and your family!
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