Real Talk: How These Wonderful Modern Women Embrace Graceful Aging

“The trick is to age honestly and gracefully and make it look great so that everyone looks forward to it.” ~ Emma Thompson
If you search the words “aging gracefully” on Google, you’ll get 10M+ results. (Try it!)
It means a lot has been said and written about this topic. How many of those have you actually read yourself?
From those millions of info online you’ll see an ocean of products that offer anti-aging benefits. You’ll read tons of tips and hacks on how to stay young, be at your best, and bring back the vibrancy of your youth.
But today, we’ve taken things a little differently in this blog. Instead of us giving you a list of graceful aging tips, we’ve opted to hear from women of different backgrounds and what they think about aging.
We’ve asked some of our friends from our Instagram community about their thoughts on this topic. They generously shared their tips and answers for the following questions:
- What are your thoughts on aging?
- How do you take care of yourself?
- What are your tips to stay and feel at your best?
Ready? Here’s what they have to say:
Bee Chatman, 30
Mom/Wife/Blogger & Content Creator
Follow her motherhood tips and wellness lifestyle on IG @chatwithbee

Aging is inevitable. However, the way we age is totally up to us. We can dwell on the days going by or we can live in the moment and enjoy each day. I prefer to do the latter.
I take care of myself by taking the time to sit with my feelings. Sometimes I do it while I’m getting my nails or hair done, and other times I’m doing it in a quiet room at home. I used to try to rush myself through my feelings because I felt like it was a sign of weakness. However, I learned a little too late how unhealthy that was. I’ve found that my mental health and overall moods have increased greatly since I started honoring my feelings.
Always put yourself first. It’s hard to not feel guilty putting yourself first as a mom, wife, or anybody people rely on. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Manage the manageable. You can’t control other people, but you can control how you respond to them. Worry about what you can control and the rest will take care of itself.
Don’t be afraid to leave a known for an unknown. The thought of trying something new can be scary. Push through that fear! You never know — what’s waiting for you on the other side could very well change your life for the better.
Gabriella Lombardi, 28
Freelance Photographer/Certified Dog Trainer/Future Holistic Nutrition Coach

Follow her awesome food photography & tips on IG @turnipwithgab
I find it exciting! There is so much more to aging than just growing older. I find myself growing, learning, and feeling more connected every single day. I find beauty in taking care of my body’s different needs as I age!
How I take care of myself- self-care routines, connecting with nature, exercising, and cutting foods out that weigh me down. These have always been constant in my self-care. I continually try and sit with my inner self and listen to what my body and mind are telling me they need. When they are happy, I am happy!
Tips to stay and feel your best - Nourish your body with movement, vitamins, minerals, water and Whole Foods, and nourish your soul! Truly listening to what you need. Be constantly aware of the limits you put on yourself, like saying you’re “too old” for this or “can’t” do that. Yes, you can! Allow your inner child to always shine through & find peace in being alone with yourself. Once you find what works for you, keep the balance!
Dr. Lauren Fairley, 28
Chiropractor/Wife/Dog Mom/Business Owner

My thoughts on aging: We all get older, aging is a natural process. But the lifestyle choices we make can determine how fast we age. Stress and worrying is a huge factor! There’s both good and bad stress, but it’s the choices we make and how we deal with those stressors that make the difference. We can choose a positive mindset, we can choose healthy coping mechanisms, and we can choose natural ways to reduce stress. The power is in our hands.
How do I take care of myself: I lift weights, stretch, and take my dog for long walks. I make sure to get outside for at least 30 minutes every day. I take a multivitamin, omega 3, vitamin D, vitamin C, and a probiotic while consuming a (mostly) healthy diet. I drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. I have healthy coping mechanisms for when I get stressed. I also am careful about who I give my energy to and surround myself with people who keep my vibration up. When I take care of myself, I’m able to take care of others!
My tips to stay and feel at your best: Exercise is so good for the body and mind! It allows your body to release endorphins, those “feel good” chemicals that help boost your mood. Exercise also boosts your immune system. Spending time outside getting fresh air and sunshine is also vital.
Our bodies make vitamin D from sunshine, and vitamin D can help regulate mood, reduce depression, and keep us healthy. It’s important to know that supplements do not fix a poor diet, so be sure to eat enough protein, healthy fats, and good carbs. Don’t beat yourself up if you want to have a treat every once in a while, we’re human! When dealing with stress, you have to keep your mindset positive. Don’t be quick to react, sit back and observe. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, and then make a decision. Stress is only hard if that’s how we perceive it. Find natural ways to reduce stress as well, like meditating, journaling, physical activity, taking a bath, or being creative.
Alyse Michael, 26
Wife/Dog Mama/Teacher
Follow her healthy and gluten-free recipes on IG @wholly.balanced.eats

I think aging is inevitable and not always our favorite so I think it’s important to do what you can to take care of your body and keep it healthy but also to embrace all that your body has done and can do as we age.
I like to make sure I’m eating healthily and working out because it makes me feel good! BUT I also think it’s so important to splurge and eat the unhealthy treats and foods that we love!
For me I really notice a huge difference in how I feel when I am eating healthy and working out vs when I’m not. I also think it’s SO important to take “me” time to recoup and refresh myself.
Do you relate to what these inspiring women have shared?
Ultimately, graceful aging requires intentional care for yourself from the inside out. You’ll get better with age with the right self-care and a clear health and wellness plan in place.
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